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There are many often unknown stories and facts about German customs and events. Here you will find some that touch on activities of Deutscher Sportclub Richmond.

Karneval is celebrated in Germany but predominantly in certain areas. To find out more about the historic reasons download (PDF) the History of Carnival in Germany  /  Die Geschichte des Karneval . Why does the Karneval season start on November 11 (11/11)? What is this about the number 11? Click here to find out.

Sankt Nikolaus or Saint Nicholas is still alive and well in the customs of many European countries. He magically appears on December 6 to drop of small presents for the little and the not so little children alike. Read more about old St. Nick 

Germany is known for Great Beers. Most Americans are probably familiar with the “German Beer Purity Law” only because it has been mentioned in Samuel Adams beer commercials. Not long ago, it was completely irrelevant to the American beer scene, but the current popularity of micro and craft brews in the U.S. and Canada has made “Reinheitsgebot” a meaningful term in discussions about North American beer.
So what is this Reinheitsgebot thing all about? Download the interesting write-up

The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin – Some noteworthy facts about this historic structure completed in 1791..